8 Oct 2011

Meeting Strangers

...and doing quite well I should admit.

The period of meeting new people started at Arlanda Airport in Stockholm in the begining of September in a check-in queue. There I met guys from Ordo Rosarius Equilibrio.
I was like "Wow I know those faces!"
- 3 seconds of thinking like hell to match faces with names and position in our cute wide world -

then came the dilema:
"Take a photo / not to take a photo."

I sent a message to Maj with the same question, accepted the answer:
"Take photos.....  an exclamation mark
Get signatures.......  an exclamation mark
RAPE.........  a huge exclamation mark"

Well. I passed just through the first part.
Seizing opportunities is not one of my best skills. Eh.

But after nice chat with Rose-Marie while waiting for the rest of the ORE crew, hugs from guys and being assured of the greatest matter:
"Well, we should actually come to Prague next year."
... I felt the satisfaction.

Then came the oh-so-much-wanted concert of my beloved R.
If I had thought that seeing him once again live would heal me and wake me up from my absolute dementia... I was wrong.
Pretty much.
In fact everything is getting worse and worse and I am deeply buried in this shit :D

That one and only hug I got assured me that this is the one I want. Strange.
I usually don't like when people touch me. But this was the moment I really didn't want to let him go.
But I will have him anyway.
One day.
I will.

I simply feel I need it.
And when someone needs something he should get it. Otherwise he suffers.
And I suffered long enough.
So why not then?

And in the begining of October my school started and I got new friends, new energy, new things which give me the opportunity to leave the emptiness which occupied my soul just few weeks ago.
It's strange to go from school with wide smile.
And this is what is happening to me right now.
Be jealous!

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